Easy Flow® Cattle Alley
- Available in 8’ and 10’
- Comes with two removable panels for customized sheeting height
- Cradle-shaped and fully adjustable to suit the size of the cattle
- Removable panels can be bolted onto the sides of the alley when not in use
- Lowered bottom bars on both ends of the alley for easy entry and exit
- Nylon bushings on slam latch pins for quiet adjustment
- Both sides can be adjusted from one side
- Safety latches on the side panels ensure sides will not drop accidentally
- Easy Flow Cattle Alleys bolt together to save space and reduce noise
- Optional anti-backing system to stop cattle from rearing up or turning back in the chute
- Sides are sheeted to the ground to eliminate foot traps and can be dropped down in case of an emergency

Cattle Sorting Alleys
- 4’ sheeted sides
- Left or right-handed configuration
- Can sort or divert in up to three directions
- Spring-loaded doors and pulley system allow for quick and easy sorting
- 14-gauge steel sheeting
- Manufactured with high-quality powder coat to withstand extreme weather conditions
- Optional Access Gates can be attached to any Sorting Alley for Post-Chute Drafting

Portable Alley & Tub
- Two cradle-shaped 8’ Adjustable Cattle Alley Sections range from 29.5” to 18” in width
- Easy Flow Adjustable Alleys make for smooth transitions from alley to chute
- Easy Flow Cattle Alley sides can be adjusted from one side
- Side panels of the Easy Flow Alley drop down fully to quickly access the animal in case of emergency
- Safety latches on the side panels ensure sides will not drop accidentally
- The tub folds in on itself so that it is compact for transport
- Measures just 64” wide when panels are folded in
- Single piece steel frame has been reinforced with new 2x6 beams
- Choose your model with four different options

3E™ BudFlow® Cattle Tub
- Comes in 8’, 10’, and 12’ radius
- 3E System uses natural cattle behavior and light to create flow
- Crowd gate is designed to ensure operator safety and can be used to direct animals in the right direction if necessary
- Low-sheeted panels enhance flow by drawing cattle to the light leading into the right direction
- 14-gauge steel sheeting
- Crowd gate lock prevents animals from pushing the gate back
- Panels are bolted tightly together for more stability and to eliminate rattling
- Rubber bushing on the crowd gate lock dampens noise